GNZ Bioscience

100% Natural SEWA PET Products for Your Furry Loved Ones

By Dr. Suki Harding

GNZ Bioscience is a premium provider of science-backed, all-natural skin health and vitality products for pets and their people. Our New Zealand-made products are synonymous with quality and trust since we prioritize your precious furry friend’s wellbeing  and happiness.

Why Natural Pet Care Products?

Natural, evidence-based pet care products stand out as the optimal choice for pets given their inherent compatibility with the physiological needs of our furry companions.

Unlike synthetic alternatives, natural pet care products work in harmony with the pet’s body, promoting holistic wellbeing and minimizing the risk of undesirable reactions. Investing in nature-inspired solutions not only nurtures pets from the inside out but also reflects our commitment to their long-term health and happiness.

GNZ Bioscience brings Genuine New Zealand Magic to our natural pet health care products to empower your furry friends live their best lives without the limitations of mobility and skin issues. All our pet care products are made with science backed, premium natural ingredients. They are manufactured at a Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI)-licensed, human food-grade factory in Marlborough, New Zealand.

We invite you to explore our pet care range, buy online and explore our convenient subscription options. 


SEWA DOG BOOST, SEWA CAT BOOST and SEWA PUP BOOST are 100% natural dietary supplement treats for dogs, cats and puppies in convenient pellet or powder form. They contain premium New Zealand ingredients that enhance joint health, mobility, agility, skin and coat health and overall vitality in young and older pets. Do ASK US about the science!

Natural Wellness Benefits of SEWA DOG, CAT & PUP BOOST Ingredients

Bovine & Chicken CollagenGreen Lip Mussel PowderWild Fish Roe Powder
1.Supports strong bones, joints and cartilage
2.Reduces joint stiffness and promotes flexibility
3.Improves mobility
4.Enhances digestive health
5.Improves condition of skin, hair and nails  
1.Supports vitality and overall health
4.Improves mobility
5.Promotes heart health

6.Helps manage weight
7.Aids young and old pets  
1.Rich source of omega 3s
2.Improves skin, coat and nail health
3.Nourishes joints and connective tissues
4.Reduces inflammation
5.Enhances cardiovascular health and promotes longevity
Enhances cognitive health

SEWA DOG & CAT BOOST Testimonials

This is what pet owners say about the natural joint health and skin health benefits of SEWA DOG & CAT BOOST.

  • Zoe has intervertebral disc disease. Her leg was almost paralysed and she had a stiff neck. After 3 weeks on DOG BOOST, Zoe is 80% better!
  • Elmo was experiencing stiffness, spinal pain and limping. After 2 weeks on DOG BOOST, his pain and limping were gone and he became very playful.
  • Za was limping and struggling to get up. After taking DOG BOOST for a week, he was able to get up and walk. It has made a huge difference!
  • Since Riley & Oscar started taking DOG BOOST, their energy levels have skyrocketed, their coats are shinier and their mobility has improved. They adore the taste!
  • Since taking DOG BOOST, Bruce who was lacking in energy and slowing down has regained her mobility. Her eyes are bright and her hearing has also improved.
  • Lux has hip dysplasia and had surgery. After a month on DOG BOOST, her mobility has really improved and her coat id extremely shiny. The difference is truly amazing!
  • Bear has become so much more playful and agile and his skin and coat condition has really improved since taking DOG BOOST. His weight has also improved.
  • Pinto and Gonzo get skin allergies all year round with rashes and itchy skin. After a few weeks on Dog Boost, their skin health is much improved and their coats have become silky and beautiful. Their Dad says, “It is the only supplement I trust”.
  • Bubbles was suffering from stiffness and mobility issues. After 4 weeks on CAT BOOST, his mobility was much improved and he became playful again.
  • CAT BOOST keeps Alley more full during the day as she has stopped constantly grazing.
  • Kosmic is a fussy cat but she absolutely loves CAT  BOOST. Even eats it straight off the spoon. It has helped with her mobility and stiffness.
  • Shadow was an abandoned, rundown cat. After 2-3 weeks of CAT BOOST, he got a new lease of life. He started eating properly and became almost like a kitten!
  • Ayla had dry, flaky skin and her coat was dull. After 3 weeks of CAT BOOST, her skin became healthy and her coat became soft and shiny.



SEWA DOG GOLD Balm is a multi-purpose, all natural skin health product that soothes and moisturises dog skin and helps with mild itching. It contains a powerful blend of premium New Zealand ingredients with proven antibacterial, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and skin calming properties.

SEWA GOLD Balm contains GSB-266TM, a proprietary blend of pure, natural and high efficacy active ingredients with broad-spectrum therapeutic properties. Manuka leaf oil, one of the key ingredients in GSB-266TM, is the most researched New Zealand botanical with over 1,000 international scientific publications.

Global research shows:

  • Manuka oil is highly effective against many bacteria (including multi-drug resistant bacteria), fungi and viruses that cause skin infections in people and animals.
  • Manuka oil promotes collagen production and new skin cell growth, accelerates wound healing and reduces scarring.
  • Manuka oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help treat and prevent inflammatory skin diseases such as eczema that cause rashes, redness, blisters and dry/scaly/cracked skin, while reducing itchiness and soothing skin.


SEWA CAT GOLD Balm is a multi-purpose, all natural skin health product that soothes and moisturises cat skin and helps with mild itching.

Research shows that essential oils can be highly toxic to cats, if applied to the skin, taken internally or inhaled since they lack liver enzymes that provide the ability to properly process active phenolic compounds in essential oils.

SEWA CAT GOLD Balm is a multi-purpose, all natural skin health product that helps soothe and moisturises cat skin and eases mild itching.

It contains GSB-278TM, a proprietary blend of pure, natural and high efficacy active ingredients with broad-spectrum therapeutic properties. It contains cat-safe, gentle, scientifically proven ingredients such as blackcurrant seed oil, sea buckthorn oil as well as manuka and honeydew honey that have the following benefits. Do ASK US about the science!  

  • Soothes and protects the skin
  • Calms skin inflammation, irritation, redness, itching and pain
  • Repairs strengthen, moisturise and protect the skin barrier
  • Provides  antibacterial protection
  • Promotes wound healing and reduces scarring
  • Provides deep skin hydration and supports overall skin health  


This is what pet owners say about the natural skin health benefits of SEWA DOG & SEWA CAT GOLD BALM.

  • Kenai has skin allergies. Her skin goes red and she licks herself furiously. Dog Balm took away the redness overnight. Her skin now looks amazing!
  • Ducky got bitten during a playfight. Dog Balm healed the nasty wound overnight. After 5 days, the wound was all gone.
  • Lucas gets severe skin allergies, with itchy red skin, bumps and bleeding. Dog Balm healed inflammation and bleeding in 2 hours. Just WOW!
  • Gracie came home with a couple scratches above her eye. After putting Cat Balm, she healed very quickly. Within 1-2 days!
  • Rosie received a deep post-cat fight scratch near her eye. Cat balm healed her skin within 2-3 days. An awesome result!

Check out our testimonials and product information videos on our YouTube channel.

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